Two Hamilton building owners have been convicted of offences under the Ontario Fire Code.
The owner of a three-storey, nine-unit residential apartment building at 309 Barton St. E. was convicted on May 9 after failing to equip the building’s doors and windows leading out to the fire escape with closures that have a 20-minute fire-protection rating.
The owner was fined $1,500.
In the second case, the owner of a three-storey, five-unit building at 115 Delaware Ave. was fined $5,500 as a result of three convictions: failure to remove combustible waste from the building, failure to adequately maintain the smoke-alarm system, and failure to retain test records of the building’s smoke-alarm system.
Building owners or occupants who have any concerns regarding fire safety are encouraged to contact the fire prevention division of the Hamilton Fire Department at 905-546-2424 ext. 1380.
Source: The Hamilton Spectator